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Monday, September 5, 2011

It's not over, until it's over

This Battle Will Not Be Lost, a narrative story by Sandi Millwood, exposes a young mother’s terrible experience that begins as an ordinary day. She woke up and proceeded to wake her daughter Aubrie up for breakfast but stopped in the door at the sight of her. Aubrie’s lips were blue as she gasped for air and her mother immediately called 911.
That morning, the long and stressful battle of pleura pulmonary blastoma began, a very rare cancer found in the lungs of children. At the hospital, Aubrie was hooked to oxygen and given what felt to her mother like millions of test that each took hours. They had found a tumor on her lung and advanced to surgery where they confirmed that the tumor was cancer.
Between the awful chemotherapy and sickness, Aubrie’s mom began to realize how fragile life was. How we should all treasure each moment that we are given with those we love. People die every day, and that morning she felt like she was going to lose Aubrie but they fought through. They won the battle after four years of constant fighting.
After reading The Battle Will Not Be Lost, I looked at my life and the people I have lost and realized I did not take advantage of the moments I had with them while they were on this earth. This story relayed across to me how important it is to be grateful and to love those around you still can, and no matter how bad the fight, it is not over until it is over.
            By Rachel Nabors

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