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Thursday, September 29, 2011

The Beauty of Color

In Diane Ackerman article, " Why leaves Turn Color in the fall", (1990) She focused on the beauty of fall and what all in goes through. She gave me very descriptive examples that made a clear version of what exactly she was talking about such as; red- winged blackbird or goldfinch perching. Doing so made the words on the paper come to life in my mind. Ackerman's purpose is to explain the scientific process of leases changing colors in a poetic fashion, in order to teach others how this process happens.
            Overall I was confused with the concept of the paper. Ackerman format was very hard to understand from how she moved for one thought to another. It was written in a poetry type setting which made it even harder since I really don’t have a fond for poetry. I do love the Fall season. It’s my favorite season of the year because of how cool the weather is and the colorful leaves that fall on the ground. I always thought that this season was called fall because of the symbolic of the leaves falling on the floor but after reading this article I was informed that it originated from the Old English word feallan and it means to fall. The season Fall is beautiful and peaceful. 
        By: Marlene. B

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