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Monday, August 22, 2011

The Chase

                   The Chase by Annie Dillard is a narrative story that gives the readers' a little view of how Annie was as a little girl. She grew up playing sports such as; football and baseball. She wanted to change the outlook that only boys were well at sports. During wintertime play such sports were hard to do so Annie and her 3 other friends entertained themselves by throwing ice balls at the passing cars. They came across one vehicle, a black Buick that was being driven by a young man in his 20's dressed in business clothes. As routine they threw ice-balls at this vehicle but as a result this young man decided to get out of his car and chase Annie and her friends for ten blocks and finally got caught. This was exciting to Annie even though she was triumphant by this experience she was living life to the fullest extent possible. If the man was to cut off her head, she would know that we would die in happiness.
                              As I was reading this story I came across the thesis: “he had chased us passionately without giving up, and so he had caught us." To me this means that if you are determined to do something and put your all into it then there shouldn't be any reason to give up and not receive your ending reward. Dillard wrote this to inspire the readers' about the important event in life. Being young and carefree is the most remarkable memories that i have encountered throughout my living so far.
              Marlene Bien-Aime

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